
你的空间. 你的日程安排.

领先的雇主知道,当团队感到有意义时,他们就不太可能精疲力竭或离开, valued, 挑战成长.  为你的团队投资.  给他们一个留下来的理由,让他们保持投入和高效.  博彩平台推荐道格拉斯维尔提供价格合理的90分钟专业发展课程.  你可以从20多个沟通、冲突和领导力主题中选择.  你选择最适合你的团队的时间, 无论是午餐和学习还是早上, afternoon, 或者晚上的会议.  And our facilitators will come to your workplace and empower your team to level up and bring their best.

Contact Dr. 卡米拉·甘特,首席行政官 & 学术事务执行主任道格拉斯维尔,在 cgant@bjqzgy.com or (470) 591-0579  安排你的现场会议.  当你投资五门或更多课程时,可以节省10%.




人才评估帮助团队成员识别, act on, 并根据他们独特的优势进行互动,以优化绩效和最大化成果, 个人和集体.

Terri Walthour -助理副总裁兼首席人力资源官

The Emergenetics talent assessment measures patterns of thinking and behaving that emerge from genetic blueprints and life experiences.  Team members will receive an Emergenetics Profile which includes four thinking attributes and three behavior attributes, 并学会提高他们的沟通技巧, 建立信任, 作为团队一起工作, 并基于各自优势的协同作用来推动结果.

Terri Walthour -助理副总裁兼首席人力资源官

cliftonstrengthstalent评估衡量的是自然思维模式, feeling and behaving based on 34 themes to help team members discover and develop their greatest talents.  The assessment “answers questions about what's right with people rather than what's wrong with them” ~ Don Clifton, Founder.  Team members will receive a personalized report and resources to leverage their unique talents and maximize their potential, 个人和专业.


The Myers Briggs Type Indicator talent assessment measures personality types and explores how personalities influence workplace interaction and collaboration.  Team members will receive their personality profile which they can use to enhance personal and professional 的关系s, and they will learn why having a variety of personality types present on a team maximizes productivity and efficiency.



学员每修完一门课程均可获得结业证书. 完成至少五门学科领域的课程,并获得a 职场成功 证书.


Dr. Camilla Gant - Professor of Mass 沟通s; 博彩平台推荐 Douglasville Chief Administrative Officer & 教务处执行主任

人们信任真诚的领导者, 那些忠于自己核心价值观的人, and that trust motivates teams to execute successfully even when faced with challenging circumstances.  In fact, 学术研究得出结论,真正的领导者会建立团队信任, morale, respect, loyalty, 生产力和性能.  这个阶段给了你反思自己核心价值观的空间 and how you can be intentional about communicating them to your team so they know that you see them, 你听到了吗, 你需要他们, 你重视他们, 你为他们庆祝.

杜安·西奥博尔德,M.A. -经济教育中心项目经理 & 金融知识

在做生意的时候,写作是一种重要的沟通方式, 对于很多员工来说, 这是他们很难掌握的技能.  这个工作坊将会让参加者重新学习一些基本的写作概念,例如拼写, grammar, 和标点符号.  它还将提供最常见的商业文档(如电子邮件)的概述, proposals, reports, 和议程.

Dr. 米斯蒂威尔逊-高级讲师,传播学

Having a great idea doesn't matter if you can't effectively communicate that idea to your target audience.  做一场有效的演讲包括缩小你的关注点, 整理你的想法, 支持你的想法, 最后用以观众为中心的方法来传递它们.

Dr. 米斯蒂威尔逊-高级讲师,传播学

当病人感到身体不适时,他们通常会寻求医疗保健, 但博彩平台推荐知道,人不仅仅是他们的身体.  他们是有情感和社会需求的人, as well, 所有这些都会影响身体健康.  Looking at patients more holistically by intentionally centering their humanity through our communication choices can improve both the healthcare interaction AND patient outcomes.

Dr. 米斯蒂威尔逊-高级讲师,传播学

许多患者越来越希望在他们的医疗保健中发挥更积极的作用.  How can providers ensure that they are centering their patients' voices during interactions and treatment?  We will consider how values and language choice can help providers deliver competent and compassionate care that also educates the patient with the goal of effecting positive health outcomes.

Dr. 米斯蒂威尔逊-高级讲师,传播学

通常当博彩平台推荐想到交流的时候, we only think of speaking; however, 博彩平台推荐大部分的时间都花在听信息而不是发送信息上.  不幸的是,博彩平台推荐很少——如果有的话——接受过如何更好地倾听的培训.  更有效地倾听, 博彩平台推荐必须了解博彩平台推荐默认的倾听方式, 有效倾听的障碍, 以及倾听时常见的陷阱.  Then, 博彩平台推荐可以学习被称为“积极倾听”的特定技能来改善博彩平台推荐与他人的沟通.

Dr. 黑兹尔·科尔——副教授 & 公共关系主管

自我意识是对自己的性格、感情、动机和欲望的有意识的认识.  当博彩平台推荐有自我意识时,博彩平台推荐就能认识到自己的优势,并以此为基础.  学习如何自我意识,以及如何帮助你过上更充实的生活.



学员每修完一门课程均可获得结业证书. 完成至少五门学科领域的课程,并获得a 职场成功 证书.


Dr. 黑兹尔·科尔——副教授 & 公共关系主管

Efficient businesses and organizations rely on employees to take ownership of their individual work and foster accountability among colleagues.  Accountability in the workplace refers to "follow-through" and an employee's ability to accomplish what they said they will accomplish.  当同事们对彼此负责时, they recognize that other team members are dependent on the results of their work and strive to serve the team well.  最终, accountability creates a culture of cooperation in the workplace and is paramount to developing trust between all levels of the organization.  在本课程中, 与会者将探讨提高参与度的最佳做法, loyalty, 以及同事之间的尊重.

Dr. 米斯蒂威尔逊-高级讲师,传播学

为了最好地理解如何驾驭冲突,博彩平台推荐必须首先了解它实际上是什么.  Breaking down the elements of conflict can help you step back and begin to more intentionally consider the various factors influencing a conflict episode.  冲突通常有多个层次的目标,包括内容, 的关系, identity, 过程目标.  Understanding the interplay and overlapping natures of these goals can transform our approach to addressing conflict in both our personal and professional lives.

Dr. 米斯蒂威尔逊-高级讲师,传播学

大多数人在处理冲突时都有自己的默认风格.  However, 有时候,博彩平台推荐的默认风格并不是博彩平台推荐发现自己所处冲突的最佳风格.  了解博彩平台推荐的默认样式, 博彩平台推荐为什么会有它, 如何摆脱它可以使博彩平台推荐更有效地应对具体的冲突博彩平台推荐.

Dr. 米斯蒂威尔逊-高级讲师,传播学

博彩平台推荐永远不应该低估权力在冲突互动中的作用.  例如, 当员工不同意他/她/他们的主管, 该员工在看似权力被剥夺的情况下是如何参与冲突的? 权力取决于环境和关系.  Understanding power's role--and the power we DO have--can help us engage more intentionally in conflict interactions. Also, empowering our employees and sharing resources can result in shared decision making and ownership of those decisions.

Dr. 黑兹尔·科尔——副教授 & 公共关系主管

没有人可以选择自己的同事, 并且在工作场所有各种各样的个性, 冲突不是如果的问题, but when.  讨论你的冲突性格以及改善和管理未来冲突的方法.



学员每修完一门课程均可获得结业证书. 完成至少五门学科领域的课程,并获得a 职场成功 证书.


Dr. 黑兹尔·科尔——副教授 & 公共关系主管

Efficient businesses and organizations rely on employees to take ownership of their individual work and foster accountability among colleagues.  Accountability in the workplace refers to "follow-through" and an employee's ability to accomplish what they said they will accomplish.  当同事们对彼此负责时, they recognize that other team members are dependent on the results of their work and strive to serve the team well.  最终, accountability creates a culture of cooperation in the workplace and is paramount to developing trust between all levels of the organization.  在本课程中, 与会者将探讨提高参与度的最佳做法, loyalty, 以及同事之间的尊重.

Dr. Camilla Gant - Professor of Mass 沟通s; 博彩平台推荐 Douglasville Chief Administrative Officer & 教务处执行主任

人们信任真诚的领导者, 那些忠于自己核心价值观的人, and that trust motivates teams to execute successfully even when faced with challenging circumstances.  In fact, 学术研究得出结论,真正的领导者会建立团队信任, morale, respect, loyalty, 生产力和性能.  这个阶段给了你反思自己核心价值观的空间 and how you can be intentional about communicating them to your team so they know that you see them, 你听到了吗, 你需要他们, 你重视他们, 你为他们庆祝.

Dr. Camilla Gant - Professor of Mass 沟通s; 博彩平台推荐 Douglasville Chief Administrative Officer & 教务处执行主任

学术研究明确了真实领导者的积极影响, 那些忠于自己核心价值观的人, 如何建立团队信任, morale, respect, loyalty, 生产力和性能.  然而,当职场挑战损害了女性的自信时,这种影响就会减弱 to execute.  This session gives space to reflect on strategies within your locus of control to overcome such challenges - practicing 维护自己的权利和. self-sabotage; owning your yes and no; opening the gate to positive venting and closing it to emotional dumping; defying imposter syndrome; and negotiating zero sum work life balance.

Valencia Fuller-Wright - HR/Staff Development Specialist; CEO, The Wright Agency, LLC

在这个大流行的时代, 越来越多的员工悄无声息地辞职, 根据最近的一项国际员工调查, 在没有找到新工作就辞职的人中,有近一半选择重返职场.  This course will coach managers in effective strategies to disrupt the revolving door for its team members.  Morale is key to increasing employee engagement, productivity, satisfaction, success, and retention.  Participants will learn how to identify the signs of low employee morale and how to implement practices to boost and maintain high employee morale.

Dr. 黑兹尔·科尔——副教授 & 公共关系主管

没有人可以选择自己的同事, 并且在工作场所有各种各样的个性, 冲突不是如果的问题, but when.  讨论你的冲突性格以及改善和管理未来冲突的方法.


The aim of this course is first to help participants understand what is critical thinking and how it can be helpful in our daily lives.  本课程允许参与者退后一步, 检查他们如何处理复杂的问题, 并加强他们的思维过程,使他们能够提出正确的问题, 挑战个人假设, 清晰地看到别人的观点,而不受自己的判断和偏见的干扰.  批判性思考的能力对任何级别的员工都是必要的.


即使在最好的情况下,保持动力也是一项艰巨的任务. 当待办事项列表很长时, 期望隐约可见, 时光飞逝, 博彩平台推荐很容易被消极情绪淹没. 然而,博彩平台推荐不可能控制生活中的所有环境, 博彩平台推荐可以学习如何控制博彩平台推荐对它的反应, 跨越障碍, 保持动力去做好工作. 在本课程中, 参与者将学习在个人和团队层面保持积极性的最佳实践.  可以安排第二次会议吗 与会者实施变革,反思,分享和调整.


你是否经常被必须完成的任务数量压垮?  This course will provide some organizational skills that will help you overcome the feeling of defeat and not only be more organized, 但也更有生产力和效率. Learn how to use resources and tools to set priorities and help with making decisions under pressure.  同时,讨论一些技巧来帮助清理混乱,创造一个更和平的环境.  可以安排第二次会议吗 in which attendees identify areas to improve, execute, and re-evaluate.

Dr. 黑兹尔·科尔——副教授 & 公共关系主管

自我意识是对自己的性格、感情、动机和欲望的有意识的认识.  当博彩平台推荐有自我意识时,博彩平台推荐就能认识到自己的优势,并以此为基础.  学习如何自我意识,以及如何帮助你过上更充实的生活.

Dr. 黑兹尔·科尔——副教授 & 公共关系主管

Boundaries are the limits we set with others and which indicate what behaviors we find acceptable or unacceptable.  通过设定健康的界限,你可以更聪明地工作,赢得尊重,提高效率.  讨论如何设定健康的界限以及这意味着什么.


你想在目前的职位上承担更大的责任吗?  你想要进步,需要表现出积极进取的态度吗?  This course will provide skills necessary to be an asset in your organization as well as identify barriers that could be holding you back.